This weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part. On Friday Lisa, Katelyn and I went to Ikea while Shawn spent the weekend with his Nana and Papa's house. We drove through some pretty nasty thunderstorms in the Ann Arbor area that generated a few tornadoes but escaped unscathed. We didn't find anything to buy and ended up as some really crappy steakhouse for dinner. You know the kind; steak overdone, nasty ribs and horrible service.
Saturday I went to my eye appointment and as usual they tried to talk me into Lasik. I told them to give me a call. Depending on the cost, I may actually consider it this time. After the eye doctor, I decided to start and finish a project that I've been putting off. I headed to Lowes and bought 2X4s and 4X8 plywood, air compressor and pneumatic nailer (insert tool man's bark). And I ended up with an industrial sized basement shelving unit. It won't be big enough for all the garbage we have generated but it will be a decent start. Here's a picture of my handy work:
Saturday we went to breakfast at a new diner that opened near our house which as just okay but the menu looked promising for lunch or dinner. Went to Monnet's Market for corn ($1 a dozen) and tomatoes (49 cents a pound) and of course I couldn't leave with just those two items. $40 later, we headed home. When we were at the market one of the SOB owners of the market was barking out orders to all his employees while he was on his cell phone and a woman was sitting there opening husks of the corn to check them out. The SOB was going to mark up the price of the corn for anyone that was husking them before buying. The lady looked at me and said I can't believe that he just said that. I looked at the ladies cart and she had about 10 dozen ears of corn; I think he was just pissed that she was going to buy up all the corn.
The rest of Saturday was spent by me cutting the grass, cleaning the grill and Lisa cleaning up the house and vacuuming. Lisa's Mom and Dad came over for dinner (chicken, ribs, corn and my homemade salsa) and dropped Shawn off.
Katelyn is turning into a spoiled little beeotch! If you walk away from her for even 15 seconds, she starts crying and moaning until someone sits next to her. You don't have to be talking to her, holding her or playing with her; she just doesn't want to be alone.
Here are a few of Katelyn after she's done eating taken a week ago:
When I looked at this one, I saw Lisa (even with the food on her face)
I see myself in her quite often!! Poor girl!
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