Monday, October 02, 2006

Busy at work today. So much to catch up with being gone last week. Dauber's surgery went fine. They drained a bunch of blood from his ear and sewed him up. Unfortunately he is running around with a cone-collar and running into things.

Lisa had an ultrasound today. Everything looks normal and they adjusted her due date to February 5th. Shawn went with us and was pretty unimpressed with the whole ordeal. It's amazing how much the ultrasound technology seemed to change in just 5 years. The images are much clearer this time around and they took a ton of shots. With Shawn they gave us about 3 images and this time around we came home with about a dozen.
I just cost my owner another $300!!


Anonymous said...

What a due date with Mason was Feb. 5, '06. The little bugger was 8 days late, though. Hopefully, yours will arrive in a more timely fashion.

Chicago Sheri said...

dauber looks embarrassed