Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving was way too short. Lisa's family came over for our traditional deep fried turkey dinner. The turkey turned out probably better than ever this year and then me being the bonehead that I am dropped the entire platter of leftover turkey on the floor. No left over turkey for us this year. I probably tossed 12 pounds of turkey in the trash.

Work has been hectic to say the least the past week or so. Lisa and I even showed up in the office on Thanksgiving day to help out the "volunteers" that were working.

Woke up this morning to find our mailbox was hit last night and in two pieces, looks like I have a little project to get the damn thing back together and on the post. One good thing that happened the past couple of days is that I got my Indian's opening day tickets!! Only 133 days til opening day!

Monday, November 06, 2006

The weekend was pretty non-eventful as far as weekends go. Friday night Lisa and I met up with friends of ours (Lance and Traci) for dinner. We went to a pretty decent Mexican restaurant called Abeulo's. It's a chain but the food was pretty good as far as I'm concerned but it was a little too Authentic for Lisa's liking. While waiting for our table, we sat at the bar. I had to have a beer while we were waiting (what else is there to do). I'm actually pretty opposed most of the time to putting anything in beer other than the occasional lime into a Corona or slice of some other citrus into a Wheat Beer but I "took a walk on the wild side" and tried a Micheladas. Micheladas is nothing more than a bunch of lime juice in a beer with ice and a salted rim (Gato). I then tried the Micheladas "traditional style" which is the same as the Gato but they added Tabasco, Worcestershire and pepper. The Gato was pretty good but the traditional tasted horrible. I learned my lesson; never add anything to a beer!

Saturday and Sunday was pretty much spent watching games on television. Lisa somehow contacted pink eye so Shawn had an extended "sleep-over" at Nana and Papa's.

Work is getting really busy and I find myself working later and falling asleep earlier. My goal this week is to begin assembling the baby items like the bassinet, crib and changing table so it's out of the way when all hell breaks loose at work.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Shawn had a parade and party that Lisa helped plan and pull off. I attended the parade. We ended up hitting most of the houses in our neighborhood before Shawn decide he had his fill of candy and being polite. Halloween sure has changed since I was a kid. There were two regular size Hersey Bars and three regular size bags of M&M's. We don't get many trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood so most of the houses give away handfuls of candy instead of the usual one piece. After trick-or-treating for about an hour, Shawn had more candy than I would have received trick-or-treating for 3 hours.

The night wasn't without its drama. Shawn threw a classic tantrum because he didn't want me to put black makeup on his face. I told him that I was sending him back to the Gypsy we got him from and that turned into a full out cry.

This week we have a parent-teacher conference; it should be a fun and enlightening half hour. Okay, time to deal with my employee "witch" (have to be family friendly here) looks like she just flew in on her broom!

Shawn and a couple of classmates


Shawn's Classroom

Shawn and Mom on the train