Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Girth Control

Well, Lisa and I have gone on girth control.  If you like the little play on words, you can thank Lisa's dad Ted for that one.  I think its funny because I look like I'm pregnant which would mean the girth control method I was previously using failed and now I'm in big trouble.  I guess shoveling everything in sight is not a very good girth control method.  So my morning after pill if you will is a website called my fitness pal

The premise of the website is it provides tools to track calorie consumption, exercise and to log your process.  The fun part of the website is that it also has an application for your smart phone.  Logging everything you eat and tracking all your physical activities makes dieting more like a game.  The app is so cool; it even has a bar code scanner.  All you have to do is scan what you're eating and enter how much you consumed and it logs the calories and nutritional value for that food. 

So far Lisa and I have been on the new girth control for 8 days and I've lost nearly 6 pounds and Lisa has dropped 3.  Of course the difference in weight loss other than the gender thing is that I weigh much more than she does and it comes off quicker.  Hell, I have to burn twice as many calories as she does just walking across the room since I am carrying quads and she only has one in the oven.  I have a soft goal of 40 pounds and an overall goal of 60 pounds while Lisa is only trying to lose about 20. 

The biggest issue I have is the 15 gallons of homebrew I have sitting on tap in the basement.  I've only allowed myself a single homebrew in at least 8 days and that was after I spent 40 minutes on a elliptical.  I burned nearly 700 calories  so I figured a beer wouldn't hurt me.  Unfortunately, my opening day festivities are on Friday and they include large amounts of beer.  Looks like I will have to stick to Miller Lite and watch what I eat.  I don't think that keeping under 1200 calories will be part of my Friday plans but I will try and keep a handle on the beer and food consumption.  I can always spend my entire Saturday on the elliptical. 

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