Monday, August 08, 2011

Busy weekend

We started this past weekend on Friday by taking the day off and dropping the kids off at Bev and Ted's.  Since we had a wedding to attend on Saturday in Columbus we decided to take a nice leisurely drive to Lisa's favorite city in Ohio by way of US-127.  US-127 is the road that the worlds longest garage sale (or as I like to say garbage) is located.  The sales start in Hudson, Michigan and wind their way down to somewhere in Alabama.  All I can say is wow!  We ended up taking 127 for about 40 miles of so and I'd bet we passed at least 500 garage sales.  There was entirely too much stopping and going for me and I think Lisa even was a bit disappointed with the items most people were selling.  The sales, from what we saw, were mostly of antiques and GARBAGE!  We both agreed that we wouldn't go out of our way to attend this one again.

We stayed at a hotel in the Easton shopping center in Columbus on Friday.  Once we did a little wandering through the stores, we cleaned up and headed over to a bar called Adobe Gila's to see a singer Lisa remembered from her college days named Chris Logsdon.  The beer was nice and cold and the music wasn't too bad either!

Saturday, we checked out of the hotel and headed out for breakfast and for more shopping and eventually headed over to the hotel we were staying in for the wedding in Worthington.  The wedding was a blast. I saw several friends from high school that I don't see very often and I'm sure a couple of us made fools of ourselves.  That's what will happen when you have a bunch of 40 somethings trying to party like they are 25.  I, fortunately and more likely due to Lisa, I didn't have any ill effects that evening or the next morning.  I guess the party spilled into the hotel bar after the reception was over.  All in all, a really fun time and a good wedding to boot.

Sunday was yard work and getting settled back at home.  This week, Lisa, Shawn and I are heading to Philadelphia (quick customer meeting for me) and then off to New York via train for a couple of days.  I just found out today that the Harry Potter traveling museum is in New York now...guess who's going to see that exhibit? 

Oh yeah, one other item of sad note.  I finally did the thing I said I never would do.  I opened up a Facebook account.  I'm not a big fan of Facebook due to the privacy issues with it and I have fought opening an account for the past two years or so but I'm working toward getting my Fraternity back on my college campus and Facebook appears to be a good communication tool to keep others updated to the status of where we are in the process.  I just hope I don't have stalkers find me or psychopaths from years gone by.  So far I've been contacted by one person that I went to high school with but have no idea who he is and another girl that went to my high school or still does (she is really young looking if it is her in her profile picture) who I also don't know.  The only other disturbing friend request would be from the son of my assistant; I just received this one about 2 minutes ago and I'm not sure how to react to it.  I guess its just another reason why I've resisted up to this point. 

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