I'm sure that most of you have heard the happy news by now but if you haven't, Shawn is going to have a sibbling!!
When I called John to give him the news, he and Allison happened to be in Manhattan near The Ed Sullivan. The Ed Sullivan theater is where David Letterman does his show from. So what does John do? He heads to The Happy Deli and hands the phone to Rupert Jee a regular haunt that Letterman visits and harrasses during his show. Needless to say, Rupert now also knows that Lisa is pregnant and he wishes us "the best of luck". Rupert actually talked to me for about 90 seconds asking me if we knew the sex of the baby and if it was our first and saying congraruations (yes it is mispelled for effect).
I will forever call the new baby Lemon
We finally got him off the Lemon idea! I'm afraid of whta he will come up with next.
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