We took Shawn in for an eye exam thinking maybe some of his issues with math comprehension could be linked to not being able to see the chalk board. Shawn needs glasses. I'm hoping that the glasses will help him stay focused at school which has all of a sudden become an issue.
This weekend pretty much was a blur. Lisa and I are passing back and forth some respiratory sickness so all we do is cough and take medicine. On top of the constant hacking, Lisa also has a nasty ear infection. Lisa and I took the day off on Friday so she could rest a bit and I could cut the grass and work in the yard a bit. I didn't get as much as I wanted to get done but it's a start. I'm glad winter is finally over but I forgot how much work the yard is in the spring time. I weeded the flower beds in the back and got about half the beds edged. This week, I will try the finish up the edging in the back and start weeding in the front as well as getting the sprinkler system turned on and programmed.
Yesterday was frustrating. When we went on vacation, our wireless router took a dump so I went out and purchased a new one. I installed the router just fine but I couldn't see the router using my adapter up in Shawn's room so I figured I would un-install the adapter and re-install it to see if it made a difference. That was a major mistake. Now I am in reboot hell with Shawn's computer. Anytime I plug the adapter into the USB port, windows basically starts and then reboots for infinity. I even went as far as reloading windows but the problems still exists. I finally reloaded windows for the second time yesterday to get the PC working again but haven't tired to reinstall the adapter software yet. Not sure what I'm gonna do at this point. I think I'm going to try and install the adapter without using the install disk to see if that works. Any suggestions Brad? Even if I get the adapter to work, I will probably need to buy a repeater in order to see our router upstairs or try to switch the channel the router is using. How freaking frustrating and a waste of an entire day!
That pretty much brings you up to date. Nothing too crazy I guess.
After you reinstalled Windows, did you download and apply ALL of the patches from Microsoft? Make sure you do that before you try to install the adaptor.
For the adaptor do not install the drivers from the disk. Go out to the manufacture's website and download the latest version.
Always feel free to drop me a line or give me a call. Glad to help.
I actually ended up installing a different adapter and it worked perfectly except for the fact the signal strength is less than what I hoped. I did install all the patches (86 of them). Now I need to see if there are updates on the driver for the adapter. I would have gone out to the website to install the original adapter's drivers but I was too lazy to lug the PC from Shawn's room down to where I have internet access.
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