Sunday, May 10, 2009

Piano Recital

I decided to make a rare weekend post to brag about Shawn and how well he did at his piano recital. Shawn was pretty nervous going into the recital and to tell you the truth, so was I. Shawn really seems to like playing the piano and taking lessons but its like pulling teeth to get him to practice. Actually practice of any kind is difficult to get him to do from golf practice and baseball to math facts and piano. I really had visions of Shawn stumbling on his songs and getting upset and crying during his 3 song recital.

The recital was at an old historical house in on one of the metro-parks and there were 7 other kids involved from first year students to kids that are in high school that have taken lessons for some time. I think Shawn was one of three kids that were first year students and I think he did great. The biggest surprise of the day was as Lisa, Katelyn, Bev and Ted were all settling in for the recital to begin in walked Shawn's school teacher. Lisa asked Mrs. Walters, very surprised, who are you here to see to which she responded "well Shawn, he invited me". I can't even begin to explain how the fact that Shawn asked and then Mrs. Walters actually showed up made Lisa and I feel. Shawn didn't even let on that he invited his teacher. How many teachers these days would actually take time out of their Saturday to show up for one of her 2nd grade student's piano recital!

Well, enough bragging, here are clips of his three songs. Remember he has only taken about 28 lessons and he could do nothing but bang on the keys before his first lesson.

Star Wars Theme

Indian Dance

Willie and Tillie

1 comment:

Janie said...

OMG - he is SO sweet! What a great job he did and I bet you were both so proud.