Monday, July 11, 2011


We are alive, I just haven't either been moved to blog or had the time.  Vacation was as good as it can be with an opinionated 4 year old and a 10 year old that wished we were in Myrtle Beach.  The lawn tractor is officially dead....blown motor.  I absolutely hate making a major purchase for something like a lawn mower or tractor so I've been struggling with what the buy.  I think I'm leaning toward an extra wide (33") walk behind.  The walk behinds always cut the grass nicer than tractors and my rear-end could use the exercise.  The past two or three weeks have been horrible for dieting but I've managed to pretty much still be on track.  I only gained about 4 pounds on vacation and took it all back off to only gain it back over the past 5 days or so.  I think the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is to lay off the beer.

I have plenty of pictures to post of vacation and other things we've done since I last posted but they will have to wait a bit I'm afraid.

Here's a link to a few pictures from this past weekend.  Brad visited from Chicago.  We caught a Mud Hen's game and just had a nice relaxing couple of days.  It was Harry Potter day at the game though as you will be able to tell from the pictures.  I also added several more pictures in Katie's file on the right.

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