Thursday, February 01, 2007

I wish there was baby news to report but as of this point, only very mild and irregular contractions.

Not too much new to report as of late. I did buy an elliptical machine. I decided it was time to get back my girlie figure and to get a decent cardio work out. I have been spending about 20 minutes every other day on the contraption and have lost zero (yes 0) weight so far but have been getting a pretty decent work out. I am probably going to bump up to 20 minutes everyday starting yesterday to see if I can kick start my metabolism. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on my first elliptical not knowing if I would like it; I do like it. Here is a picture:The snow has been falling all week for the first time this winter. I can't believe that it is the beginning of February. I sure hope February is a better month than January was.

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