Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Not too much happening lately. My mom and brother came to visit this past weekend. We didn't really have too much on the agenda except to just hang out and relax while catering to Katelyn. It was nice to have mom around and she help a lot with Katelyn's early morning feedings. On Sunday we loaded up the van and took a trip to Ikea and Trader Joe's in the Ann Arbor area. We didn't buy much at Ikea but did a little damage at Trader Joe's. I tend to reload on 3 Buck Chuck every time I get to the Ann Arbor area.

Lisa had a rough time last night so I took Katelyn's 7am feeding and got her back to sleep before I got Shawn ready for School. When we left, Lisa was still in bed and Katelyn was still fast asleep. I hope Lisa gets some sleep!!! I have a dentist appointment this morning and I have a funny feeling that it's not going to be a fun one. My teeth are killing me lately. I probably have a couple of cavities. I just hate the dentist!!!

1 comment:

Brad said...

I like the new blog format! My eyes always started doing weird things after a minute or two of reading white text on a black background. Thanks!