Monday, February 21, 2011


Not sure how long I will be into this but I started to play around with Twitter.  I typically don't like social media other than blogging for a number of reasons such as crazy friends from 2nd grade finding you and wanting to party saying we are best friends (totally has happened).  Or having lunatic fatal attraction ex-girlfriends posting something out of whack for all to see.  I figure if I wanted to communicate with these long lost crazy people, I wouldn't have lost touch with them in the first place.

I guess I wouldn't be so anti-social mass media if it weren't for the stalker I mentioned above.  I mean this guy that I knew for two years when I was a kindergartner and in first grade (a very long time ago), attempts to call me every year or two.  He named his first boy after me and I have absolutely nothing in common with the guy as of the last time I actually took his call which was probably 15 years ago.  I mean that kind of lune leaves messages referring himself as my best friend when I haven't spent any time with him for nearly 40 years? 

Anyway, no Facebook for me but I think I'm going to give Twitter a try for awhile.  If you want to follow me, let me know and if you can find me yourself on Twitter, I will tell you what my name is.

On another topic, we woke up to about 1/4 inch of ice on the ground this morning.  It's a good thing the kids were off for President's day anyway or they would be making up yet another day at the end of the year or during spring break week.  I hope the weather man is wrong for today.  We are supposed to get another round of freezing rain and then another 3-5 inches of snow.  I am ready for spring already!

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