Sunday, December 15, 2002

Well, I knew that i would be terrible at updating this site. I went to work at 8:30 this morning to make sure all of our holiday riff raff was behaving. Served Pizza to 150 warehouse workers - they are vultures!! You have to stand guard at the pizzas & make sure that they only take 3 pieces each. In the past, we have trusted them to serve themselves & they ended up taking whole boxes. I guess we even found pizza shoved in the toilets!! That was before I came on board as the HR manager. Doesn't happen now!!!! I had to order 32 more pizzas to be delivered for the second shift group before I could leave for the day!! I can't wait until the holiday is over.

Waiting for the Browns game to be over so we can go to Meijer. Mom & Dad are coming over for dinner. Mom made Chicken Noodle soup. We were going to go to their house & have it, but there is a Wiggles Christmas special on at 8pm on cable & Mom hasn't broken down yet & got cable.

Shawn is dancing to the Caddyshack theme song. Pretty cute. He is just starting to say to say the alphabet. Right now the only 2 letters he is saying is D & F.Didn't realize it until he started pointing at letters. I guess he must be learning them at day care. It seems that I am always playing catch up with day care. They don't give you a progress report on what they did during the day, so I find myself discovering something that he is doing & then going & asking day care if they taught him that. I am thankful that they really are working with him & not just letting him play & watch movies.

Time for Meijer!!!!!!!!!!!

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