After lunch, we checked into the hotel and then spent a good 3 hours or so wandering the mall. We really didn't buy much at the mall but did real damage at Kohls on Sunday morning. Friday, while looking for a place to eat, Katelyn decided it was time of a siesta and we didn't have the heart to wake her up so Pizza it was. Ended up eating pizza in the hotel room from a place called Papa Ramano's which ended up to be pretty good pie!
Sunday, we went to Kohl, stopped by the mall to let Shawn hang out at the video game room and then headed over to Ikea to wander around a bit. We did some damage at Ikea too. I ended up buying 40 wooden hangers to replace the wire ones in my closet, I need about 40 more, bought a bookshelf for Shawn's room, a couple of small display shelves for Shawn's room, a stuffed animal for Katelyn, some really cool rocks glasses and I'm sure some other items I'm forgetting. We also grabbed a bite to eat at their cafeteria. One more stop at Trader Joe's and then it was off for home.
Monday we took the day off since Shawn was off school for President's day and basically worked our tail ends off. Lisa and I cleaned, I vacuumed and mopped. Then upgraded Katelyn from her crib to her big girl bed. So moving around furniture and disassembling a crib pretty much took up most of the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon. Tonight we will bring the futon from the basement and put it in the toy room to replace the bed we took out of there for Katelyn.
Yesterday we visited the tax man; we are getting a decent refund and will pay off a bill or two with it. They did sock me with about $1100 in tax for the trip I won last year but I guess that's better than having to pay for the entire trip.
One other thing I though was cute and caught me completely by surprise. The other day, Lisa and I were driving with Katelyn in the car and all of a sudden, I hear this tiny little voice singing the entire alphabet song! I guess that $150 a week daycare bill is paying off in some way. Kate never ceases to amaze me as of late. Every day seems to bring a new word or phrase. I don't know where baby Kate went.
This would look good in my bedroom!

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