Opening Day was not very enjoyable this year. I didn’t even have a beer at the game which is not normal behavior but I guess when game time temperature is 34° you do what you have to do to stay warm. And if freezing my tail-end off wasn’t enough, we lost the game to the White Sox in extra innings (yes,I stayed the entire game). It looks like it may not be a good year to be an Indians fan….if they win 70 games, I would be surprised. One nice surprise was the Indians are trying to fill the stadium up in April and May, so they are giving tickets away to anyone who turns in their opening day ticket stub. You just mail your stub in and let them know what game you would like to see and they mail you another ticket free!!! Pretty cool, but they really should give all tickets away to see that team.
Before the game, we ate at a Irish Pub called Flannerys the food was really good. I had Irish stew which has excellent, very thick and was served with a large scoop of Colcannan on top. Colcannan is basically mashed potatoes with garlic and scallions and I think it also had some cabbage mixed with it. There were some interesting menu items that I would like to try the next time I am in Cleveland.
The door to door salesman is not dead!!! We had two salesmen come to our front door this evening. One selling carpet cleaners and the other one was soliciting quote opportunities for vinyl siding and windows. Lisa basically slammed the door in the face of the steam cleaner salesman and I also shut the door on the other one. I think that I might need the equivalent of the tele-zapper for the door to door salesman (maybe a M-16 or an UZI). Just when you finally thought the end was coming for the telemarketing idiots, the door to door guy is re-born.
Short weeks cause all kinds of trouble at work for me. I am behind gathering information that I need for a report that I have to have for a regional managers meeting on Friday in Fort Wayne. It might be a long day tomorrow.
Shawn has a new hobby. He took a liking for beating Dauber with toys. Tonight, he tried to bash Dauber with one of his cars in the face....lucky that Shawn’s coordination isn’t well developed yet. The other way Shawn likes to hurt the dog is by jumping off the couch right on Dauber while he is sleeping or hanging out minding his own business. Lucky Dauber is so laid back.
Usually I would end this post with some stupid ethnic phrase but I can’t think of one that is all that fun so......Joe Mama wears combat boots to bed.
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