Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Getting ready for our Florida trip. I am pretty mad at myself for booking the flight that I did. It is causing a lot of problems - the main one being that it is an hour away from where we are staying. The money that I saved in the flight is being spent in me having to rent a car on Monday to get myself from the airport to the hotel! I would have been better off spending the extra $40 on the airfare & getting to the main airport where our hotel has a free shuttle!!
Live and learn!

I will have to take my laptop with me because I have to download my payroll files for the current payweek & open the new payroll cycle within 3 days of submitting payroll. So, now I am into the phase of getting 800 numbers for the payroll company & having to figure out how to dial it from my hotel room!

I hope this trip is worth it, because right now, it has been nothing but a headache!

Shawn is still up at 5:50pm!! By still up, I mean he hasn't taken a nap yet today, after getting up at 7am. Mommy needs a break!!

I have given up on story time at the library. It is at 10am & that is when I am most productive work wise, so if we have an errand, we don't do it until the afternoon. If I were to go, I know I wouldn't work for the day. I guess I will have to have my own story time with him!

Waiting for Tim to get home from work...

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